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agarwood oil

A time-honored brand in Champagne City produces a unique formula. The unique formula of this product contains precious medicinal materials, natural agarwood from Malaysia and other combinations.   Refined from high-quality natural medicinal ingredients, it smells pure and fragrant, does not stain clothes, and penetrates quickly to promote blood circulation in the human body.

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RM38.00 - RM360.00 RM68.00 - RM816.00
16 sold

A time-honored brand in Champagne City produces a unique formula. The unique formula of this product contains precious medicinal materials, natural agarwood from Malaysia and other combinations.   Refined from high-quality natural medicinal ingredients, it smells pure and fragrant, does not stain clothes, and penetrates quickly to promote blood circulation in the human body.

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RM18.00 - RM180.00 RM30.00 - RM360.00
2 sold

❤️精油之中,最神秘珍贵的莫过于沉香纯油,沉香有“植物中的钻石”之称,沉香纯油更是天地精华所在。沉香精油分子天然亲肤,迅速渗透,有安神解郁,调节气理等功效。 🎯沉香纯油分子极其微小,他们天然亲肤,极易渗透于皮肤,能很快被人体吸收并迅速渗透人体内且不油腻。 🎯沉香精油分子可3-5秒穿透皮肤真皮,皮下组织;5-8分钟进入人体血液与淋巴系统;4-12小时围绕人体一周,将营养留给细胞,多余成分不会残留体内直接排除体外。 ✅除此之外,皇家顶级呢是使用古法蒸馏从野生的沉香提炼出来的   1克大约等于1.5ml 1gram equal to approximately 1.

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RM180.00 - RM1,580.00 RM308.00 - RM2,000.00
25 sold

Holy scent , pure agarwood essential oil , distilled from precious agarwood woodchips 沉香精油, 百分之百纯沉香蒸馏提炼,无稀释
  Agarwood oil, Oud oil is one of the most precious, rare and certainly most expensive essential oils in existence today. 纯正的沉香精油是世界上最贵的精油。   🌟用过的客户,就知道我们的纯正沉香精油是真正蒸馏萃取自沉香原材料🪵🪵🪵。 🎯蒸馏的过程是经过水蒸气把沉香油脂和水分离,一点一滴又三天三夜的收集,你们要知道,从木质取出油脂,那出油率有多低,0.

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RM135.00 - RM1,000.00 RM208.00 - RM1,500.00
10 sold

蜜香精油是使用了超临界萃取方式来取得的。 高品质天然药料精炼而成,气味清纯芳香,不弄脏衣服,迅速渗透促进人体血液循环,不只舒筋活络,緩解肌肉疼痛,也增强身体自然康复机能。 纯正的沉香精油是世界上最贵的精油。   1克大约等于1.5ml 1gram equal to approximately 1.

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RM138.00 - RM950.00 RM228.00 - RM1,300.00
5 sold